I was on a blog recently that was discussing the new pope Francis and his new approach towards the poor and towards people groups and religions that may not have been as friendly to the Roman Catholic Church as in the past. Pope Francis as pretty much all popes in...
The message at the end of time is a message of repentance. To repent is to change the way we think and act. Repentance isn’t something that comes naturally to the heart of human beings. It is a gift from God. We don’t naturally like to have someone point...
As I write this it has been about six weeks since the 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami hit the Japanese coast. The double wammy of the earthquake and the tsunami ended up crippling the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In subsequent weeks the disaster was...
We were created by God to worship. It comes naturally to all of us. We will worship someone or something. We were meant to worship God but because of sin and the fact that God created with a free will we can choose to worship anything we want. Since the very beginning...
If you have been a Christian for any length of time you have no doubt learned the importance of prayer. Very few Christians would say that prayer is optional. Jesus himself certainly modeled a life of constant prayer. The Bible records in the New Testament numerous...