Do You Own All Your Thoughts?

Do You Own All Your Thoughts?

Have you ever taken the time to examine your thoughts? Most of us don’t pay close attention to our thoughts. We let them take us wherever they will. We assume that every thought that we have comes from our brain but what if I told you that spirit beings that you...

What is Justification by Faith?

Justification by faith. A fancy theological term to be sure but what does it mean for the average person? To understand what it means we have to establish some important truths. First of all, the Bible is clear. All human beings who have ever existed are condemned in...
Are Hurricanes a Sign of the End?

Are Hurricanes a Sign of the End?

Any time we have a major weather phenomenon the question comes up as to whether this weather phenomenon is a sign of the end. Whether we are talking about hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis or nuclear disasters it is natural that people look for answers to these...
What does Jesus look like?

What does Jesus look like?

Have you ever given any thought about the image of Jesus used around the world? Show the typical picture of Jesus to children who attend church and they’ll recognize Jesus’ likeness… But is this image a true representation of what Jesus looks like?...